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Hello and happy Monday once again! Are the weeks flying by or what? 

It's 70 degrees (or almost) and I can't wait to sit outside and read for a bit. I need to soak up some of that glorious sunshine ;-)

You may have seen a link to the Cape Ann Referral Group's website included in several of our blog posts, and maybe you were wondering what exactly that group does. Well, let me tell you a little bit about it right now.

The Cape Ann Referral Group was founded by various business owners in our community, mostly Gloucester and Rockport, but of course Essex and Manchester members are welcome, too. Current members of at least 6 months recommend new members to join. Any recommendation is reviewed and voted on by the group. Only one profession is represented within the group at any one time, i.e. if there already is a plumber or electrician, a second one will not be approved to join unless that spot becomes vacant. We currently have an opening for an Appraiser and for many other services. Please contact us for additional information and we will gladly check for you if there is a vacancy for your specific type of business.

The yearly fee is $75.00 for the first year, after that the annual dues drop to $25.00. For that very reasonable payment you receive referrals within the group. These are not vague leads which never pan out like one might receive from internet sources who charge 10 times that. These are direct recommendations of each others' services to personally known customers and acquaintances right here on Cape Ann. And since every business category is represented only once, this is one arena were you don't have to fight for referrals, or experience a not so friendly competition within your netwoking group.

The Cape Ann Referral Group meets every other Wednesday, bright and early at 7.30 a.m. at the Masonic Lodge, 29 Eastern Ave in Gloucester. Early Birds who show up at 7 get to enjoy coffee and muffins (psst: there are plenty left even at 7.30 haha). We mingle, exchange valuable business info, observations and trends, refer each other, and also have a member give a presentation about their business at every meeting. It's fun and informal as well as very relevant because we are not talking about what is happening in California or Cape Cod, but right here on Cape Ann, in the very communities we conduct business in. Meetings are kept short and sweet, keeping in mind that members have work to do. 

Ask Fintan and me about this really awesome networking opportunity!!!! The next meeting is this Wednesday, April 15, 2015. We are happy to bring guests who would like to check it out :-)